Clearing the Snooze Hurdles
January 01, 2015
What three districts did to create later school start times to address teenagers' sleep patterns
Anyone who’s ever tried to rouse a high school student from bed to catch that 6:55 a.m. bus to arrive at school on time knows how tenaciously that teen will cling to the bedcovers. Pity the teacher who has to instill complicated algebraic concepts at 7:30 in the morning or discuss the subtler points of the American Revolution during that groggy first-period class.
For the past couple of decades, research by Kyla Wahlstrom at the University of Minnesota (see related story, page 16) and others, demonstrated strongly that teenagers’ biological clocks simply don’t mesh with the conventional middle and high school bell schedule.
Even the American Academy of Pediatrics has weighed in on the issue. In a recent policy statement, published in late August, the organization asserted that school start times for adolescents should begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. to align more closely their need for sleep and biological rhythms with successful school performance. According to that paper, about 1,000 high schools, out of more than 18,000 nationwide, have altered their start time.
Tough Obstacles
In October 2014, the Fairfax County, Va., Public Schools, which educates nearly 187,000 students, approved a later start time for its 27 high schools and already has allocated 20 new buses to make the transition work. The change, taking effect in 2015-16, is projected to cost close to $5 million.
They hope to see similar outcomes to those being realized in Decatur, Ga., which exercised its flexibility as a state-authorized charter district. Two years ago, Decatur moved its high school start an hour later, to 8:30 a.m., with middle schools starting at 8:45 a.m. Lauri McKain, who was high school principal at the time, noted the number of tardy students dropped, more eligible students took advantage of the breakfast program and more students could be accommodated for tutoring before and after classes.
Yet many districts find the logistical bugaboos relating to student transportation and budgetary constraints too hard to overcome. There also are the complications in interscholastic athletics schedules and parents who want their high schoolers home early to look after younger siblings. Good intentions fail in the face of obstacles like these.
Even so, some districts have figured out how to make skillful adaptations, strategic negotiations and compromises, and to deliver the right message and get the needed buy-in from staff, students and communities.
Stories follow of three school districts in urban, suburban and rural communities that have made a successful switch to later start times for secondary school students.