Spring 2017: Journal of Scholarship and Practice
Research Articles: "Illinois Public School Superintendents:
Influencing State-Level Education Legislation and Policy-Making In
Illinois"; "Secondary School Administrators’ Perceptions of Louisiana’s
Compass System As a Framework for Teacher Evaluation"; Book Review: "Defying Standardization: Creating Curriculum for an Uncertain Future"
Additional Articles
Defying Standardization: Creating Curriculum for an Uncertain Future
Public schools across the United States are faced with seismic challenges.
Secondary School Administrators’ Perceptions of Louisiana’s Compass System as a Framework for Teacher Evaluation
Louisiana’s relatively new Compass teacher observation and evaluation system is used to evaluate teacher quality or effectiveness in P-12 public schools.
Illinois Public School Superintendents: Influencing State-Level Education Legislation and Policy-Making In Illinois
Standards for superintendents of schools are clearly spelled out by The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC)