Case Study in Personalized Learning: Amboy Community Unit School District #272

Type: Case Study
Topics: Curriculum & Assessment, Technology & AI

January 29, 2018

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Dr. Jeff Thake talks about his journey with implementing personalized learning in Amboy Community Unit School District #272 (Ill.).

Dr. Thake speaks in-depth about his experience in the AASA Personalized Learning Cohort and how he put paper to practice in his own district.

Thake and his team implemented self-paced classrooms and technology-rich learning environments where students are  learning and creating at their own pace where they learn best.

I have always been data-driven. I entered leadership in education during the birth of No Child Left Behind, Adequate Yearly Progress and summative assessments. The traditional model of public education to improve test scores to make AYP was our focus, and we were good at it. However, there was still a percentage of students who were not 'meeting' or 'exceeding' standards on the test, which always bothered me.Jeff Thake



