Case Study: The Cherry Creek Innovation Campus

Type: Case Study
Topics: College- Career- and Life-Readiness, Curriculum & Assessment

November 01, 2020

Appears in

Apprenticeship Cherry Creek

The Cherry Creek Innovation Campus (CCIC) is a unique district facility housing an array of career pathway programs closely aligned with the employment and priority needs of local, state, and national businesses and corporations.

It is designed to expand the district’s commitment to preparing students for the academic and professional demands of the 21st century.

The CCIC powerfully exemplifies an integrated cross-functional youth apprenticeship program that school districts can develop, implement, sustain, and scale. Apprentices split their time between traditional high school coursework and on-the-job professional experience.

The CCIC also reflects the importance of state-wide coordination and partnerships with local districts to enhance the apprenticeship experience and result in positive outcomes for youth.


Quick District Stats

Location: Englewood, CO
Superintendent: Scott Siegfried
District Enrollment: 55,000

Youth apprenticeships are a critical part of my leadership agenda. It’s about moving away from the idea that everybody needs to go to college. Every student needs to find their own individual pathway for their future. That could be a four-year college, a two-year college, an apprenticeship, an internship, a certificate, or the military—or go straight to work. An apprenticeship is important because it gives students real-world work experience before they leave us.
Scott Siegfried

Superintendent, Cherry Creek School District

Scott Siegfried
The most exciting thing about an apprenticeship with students is the fact that they get an opportunity to have a work-based experience. They get to see what day-to-day will actually be like in business or industry—and they also start to appreciate what they need inside their classes to be successful.
Sarah Grobbel

Assistant Superintendent for Career and Innovation, Cherry Creek School District

Sarah Grobbel



