Deerfield Public Schools' Digital Transformation

Type: Case Study
Topics: Technology & AI

May 01, 2017

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Deerfield Digital Transformation Case Study
A Case Study on Fostering a Culture of Change to Move Schools Forward

Just six miles west of Lake Michigan, nestled in a confluence of suburbs north of Chicago, Ill., is Deerfield Public School District 109. Weaving together a variety of affluent communities, Deerfield carries a legacy of high performance, with a mission statement of "Engage, Inspire, Empower." And it recently embarked on a fundamental digital transition for its learning environment that will carry it into the future and beyond.

AASA & Discovery Education
District Stats

Location: Deerfiedl, IL
Students: 2,973
White (87%); Asian (5.1%); Hispanic (4%); African-American (0.3%); Other (3.5%)



