Personal Issues, Professional Impact
June 01, 2022
Ethical Educator
A Title 1 high school with about 2,000 students employs a single social worker, who is stretched thin. For two years, teachers have referred students to him for a wide range of issues, such as suicide ideation, pregnancies and teen conflicts, but rarely
hear back. After being tenured in his third year on the job, he becomes morbidly obese due to personal issues – to the point of having difficulty walking the length of the building. He seldom follows through on issues while complaining constantly
about his workload.
With the
unlikelihood of being able to find a long-term or short-term replacement, what should the administration do?
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The Ethical Educator panel consists of
- Sheldon Berman, AASA lead superintendent, Redmond, Ore.;
- MaryEllen Elia, senior fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education and retired superintendent;
- Chris Lee Nicastro, former Missouri commissioner of education and president, Lee Consulting Group, St. Louis, Mo.; and
- Louis N. Wool, superintendent, Harrison, N.Y.
Each month, School Administrator draws on actual circumstances to raise an ethical decision-making dilemma in K-12 education. Our distinguished panelists provide their own resolutions to each dilemma.
Do you have a suggestion for a dilemma to be considered? Send it to: