Summer Programming & Funding Planning for K-12 Schools

Type: Toolkit
Topics: American Rescue Plan, Curriculum & Assessment, Finance & Budgets

July 24, 2024

Investing in evidence-based summer learning programs is critical to the success of our students. This toolkit provides guidance and a sample timeline for public school leaders and their teams as they plan for summer programming.
Kids with backpacks jumping in air


From May 2023 through June 2024, AASA and Past President Gladys I. Cruz partnered with The Wallace Foundation to compile a blog series for school districts on summer programming. Additional resources from Wallace’s Summer Learning Toolkit appear in each blog post and are aligned to the planning activities district teams should engage in during each month of the year.

Although the blog series was originally shared in the context of the final year of spending ESSER funds, the just-in-time guidance and resources is relevant to all summer programming work, regardless of the funding source or which summer you happen to be planning.

MonthResourceTopic Area
OctoberFall Into Planning for Summer ProgrammingEstablishing planning foundations
NovemberPutting Together the Pieces of Your Summer Program PuzzleIdentifying program objectives
DecemberPlanning Summer Learning that Works for EducatorsPlanning scope, schedule, and incentives for both educators and students
JanuaryPlanning Engaging EnrichmentHigh-quality enrichment program
FebruaryEffectively Recruiting StudentsStudent Recruitment
MarchPreparing Educators for a Great SummerSummer Professional Development
AprilCreating Connections with Students and FamiliesWelcoming students and finalizing programming
May, Part IMaking the Most of Your Summer Fun(ds)Staffing and student recruitment
May, Part IIA Countdown ChecklistLast-minute tips
June, Part IEffective Planning = Effective ProgramsPlanning for effective instructional time
June, Part IISustaining Summer Sustainability for future summers
JulyImprovement Isn’t AccidentalContinuous improvement strategies
AugustSummer’s Almost Over: What Next?Analyzing program data to share successes and areas for improvement


Additional Resources



