Dwight Satterfield
Dwight is currently the Deputy Superintendent for Decatur City Schools in Decatur, Alabama. He is a 30 year veteran of education in Alabama, including coaching, teaching, building level administration and central office administration. He was awarded the 2011 Secondary Principal of the Year by the Council of Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS). He has served on numerous leadership and state committees including the Alabama Attorney General’s School Taskforce, the Alabama Department of Education School Safety Taskforce, the Virtual Alabama (nSide) ReAlignment and the ALSDE Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Advisory Team.
Most recently, he was appointed to the Alabama State Legislative School Safety Advisory Commission. Additionally, Mr. Satterfield oversees Safety and Student Services for Decatur City Schools, which includes transportation, student health services/school nurses, enrollment/registration, maintenance, construction, board policy manual, athletics, communications, attendance, discipline, and the child nutrition program.