AASA Signs Letter Asking Department of Labor to Delay Implementation of New Overtime Rule
May 15, 2024
On May 9, AASA joined 87 other employer organizations on a letter to DOL urging them to delay until September 1, 2024, implementation of the first increase to the minimum salary threshold in its new overtime final rule. The current effect date is July 1, 2024, providing the employer community with only 60 days to come into compliance. The crux of the letter: The new rule provides the regulated community with only two months to analyze the rule, determine what changes to their operations and payrolls will be necessary, explain to the impacted workers how and why their pay, titles, or workplace responsibilities will change, and then implement those changes. This is an arbitrary and burdensome timeline for the regulated community to meet, especially smaller businesses that do not have the resources to make such changes quickly.