Spread The Word: Child Tax Credit Outreach Resources

March 08, 2022

We are happy to share the resources and information below in coordination with our friends at the Coalition on Human Needs:

Schools can help families claim thousands of dollars this tax season. Join AASA and partner organizations for a Child Tax Credit school outreach push in the final weeks before the tax filing deadline on April 18! Check this link for ideas of easy actions - like sending mass messages to families or sending home flyers - your district can take to help families claim the CTC, for which 90 percent of American kids are eligible. At this link, you'll find the ready-to-use resources you need to take action now! You'll also find background information and registrations for 30-minute upcoming info sessions if you'd like to learn more.

If the above hyperlink does not work, click here: https://bit.ly/ctcschools