USED Resource: Utilizing Title II Funds & Supporting Educator Diversity
December 04, 2024
On December 4, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) released two resources on supporting the educator workforce. The first, ESEA Title II, Part A Strategic Use of Funds, is non-regulatory guidance that highlights how these funds can help implement strategic policies to address educator shortages and provide educators and students with what they need to thrive. This includes using these funds to support strategies related to improving compensation and working conditions, expanding pathways into the profession, providing induction and professional learning, offering educator leadership and career advancement opportunities, and promoting educator diversity. This document includes options for both LEAs and SEAs in utilizing Title II-A funds.
The second, Supporting a Diverse Educator Workforce to Strengthen Teaching and Learning, is non-regulatory guidance that outlines strategies States and LEAs can take to support and diversify their educator workforce and highlights Federal funds available to support these efforts. Additionally, it provides significant research that highlights the benefits of a diverse educator workforce for all students, and particularly students of color.
These new resources build on the Department’s continued efforts to ensure States, LEAs, and schools have the resources they need to recruit, prepare, and retain a diverse and well-prepared educator workforce.