Lifting Employee Performance: A Conversation with Marcus Buckingham
May 01, 2021
Thought Leadership Series
In this sixth installment of the School Administrator’s Thought Leadership Series, we hear from Marcus Buckingham, renowned business consultant, best-selling author and distinguished researcher on employee performance. Buckingham today leads ADP Research Institute and is widely recognized for his work through the Gallup Organization in understanding what the world’s greatest leaders and managers do differently.

The author of Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World and First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently, Buckingham also is known for his work on cultivating employees’ strengths rather than improving their weaknesses as the key to personal and organizational success.
Buckingham recently was interviewed by Howard Carlson, a former superintendent in Arizona, Minnesota and Washington. Now working in leadership with the Greater Phoenix Educational Management Council, he is the author of two books, So Now You’re the Superintendent! and Accelerated Wisdom: 50 Practical Insights for Today’s Superintendent. Carlson maintains a leadership blog at
The interview has been edited for clarity and length.
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Books by Marcus Buckingham
Marcus Buckingham has written several bestselling books on the topics of leadership, management and creating high-performing workplaces. His work, guided by large, multi-national studies, can help us develop highly effective school systems. Here’s what I see as the relevancy of three of his published works.
First, Break All the Rules (2016)
This is the book that introduced me to Buckingham and one I highly recommend. After interviewing 80,000 managers in 400 companies, he and co-author Curt Coffman identified six key questions that employees ask about their organization. Securing positive responses to these queries is proven to promote a highly effective workplace.
Now, Discover Your Strengths (2001)
Continuing with the theme of focusing on employee strengths rather than correcting weaknesses, this book, co-authored with Donald O. Clifton, describes a helpful tool called the Strengths-finder assessment. Administering the assessment can be a great way to understand employees’ strengths and help school leaders guide those they supervise.
Nine Lies About Work (2019)
This is Buckingham’s latest book and was the primary focus of my interview with him. Co-authored with Ashley Goodall, the book calls into question many of our long-held beliefs about employees and leading in the workplace. The book is provocative
and revolutionary; it will challenge and inform school leaders’ thinking about how to lead their staffs.