The Sustenance of Spirit Work in Our District
November 01, 2021
Through a decade as a high school principal in Louisville, Ky., I came to understand and value the importance of a positive school culture on improving student outcomes. I focused intensely on continuous improvement to build a sense of belonging and common
vision among students and staff.
I had no idea at the time that the work I was doing at the school level soon would become even more imperative at the district level. After being named acting superintendent of Jefferson County Public Schools
in 2017, I set out to implement those same lessons, but on a much wider scale and with much bigger challenges.
Together, with fellow educators in the district, we established three core pillars to guide our everyday work: (1) climate and
culture, (2) racial equity and (3) deeper learning through our Backpack of Success Skills initiative. These became the driving force behind our mission to help all students reach their full potential.
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