Sourcewell Awards New Sports Equipment-Related Contracts

November 06, 2023

Sourcewell and AASA



Sourcewell, AASA's government cooperative procurement partner, recently awarded new sports equipment-related contracts. The contracts cover things like scoreboards, digital displays, video boards, lighting solutions, equipment and more.

Scoreboards, Digital Displays, and Video Boards with Related Services  

Scoreboards, sports displays, scorer’s tables, controllers and timing systems; video displays; message centers, marquees, and concourse displays; as well as integrated audio and sound systems; and technology integration, software, design, project management, and installation.   

  • Clear Touch
  • Daktronics
  • Nevco
  • Watchfire 
Sourcewell New Contract Logos

Sports Lighting Solutions with Related Technology, Equipment, and Services

Indoor and outdoor, fixed, or portable, sports related lighting solutions; as well as technology integration, retrofit solutions, software, design, project management, installation services, and maintenance.

  • Cooper Lighting
  • Hellas Construction, Inc.
  • Musco Sports Lighting, LLC
  • Schreder Lighting
  • Techline Sports Lighting
Sourcewell contracts logos


Learn more here and visit the AASA | Sourcewell District Purchasing Hub to access hundreds of competitively solicited cooperative purchasing solutions for your schools and district.