AASA Releases Recommendations for How the Next Administration Can Improve Educational Outcomes, Reduce Educational Inequities and Ensure Students Can Excel in the Global Workforce

October 22, 2024


Erin McCallum

Associate Executive Director, Strategy & Communications

AASA Releases Recommendations for How the Next Administration Can Improve Educational Outcomes, Reduce Educational Inequities and Ensure Students Can Excel in the Global Workforce

Alexandria, Va. – (October 22, 2024) – Ahead of the 2024 election, AASA, The School Superintendents Association, has unveiled a set of comprehensive recommendations focused on critical education priorities for the next administration.

The transition memo emphasizes the urgent need for robust federal investment in America's 50 million public school students as the nation continues to address pandemic-related challenges and longstanding educational inequities.

The transition memo requests commitment from the new administration to support public schools and the 90% of K-12 students they educate.

The next administration must prioritize the most vulnerable students and those who support them by providing a more equitable framework for federal education policy and funding.

Recommended action steps for the new administration include:

  • Reject private school vouchers and take steps to monitor that private schools receiving federal funds are abiding by all relevant federal civil rights laws
  • Champion the funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and other critical formula programs and take steps to improve the ability of high-need, low capacity districts to apply for competitive grants
  • Protect Universal Service Fund, including E-Rate, to preserve equitable access to affordable broadband for disadvantaged communities, including schools
  • Bolster privacy protections for students when they are using education technologies and issue new regulations on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Additional recommendations include strengthening rural education programs, identifying better measures of student poverty to direct federal funding, reducing federal education data collection, providing greater financial incentives to enter and remain in teaching, and improving school meal programs.

While our nation faces partisan challenges, education must remain a unifying priority.

Drawing on the expertise of public school superintendents across the country, AASA's recommendations provide a blueprint for improving educational outcomes and preparing students for an increasingly competitive global workforce.

“Public schools are the cornerstone of our democracy and economic future. While our nation faces partisan challenges, education must remain a unifying priority,” said David R. Schuler, AASA executive director. “As America’s largest network of public school superintendents, AASA stands ready to partner with the incoming administration to strengthen high quality educational opportunities for all students.”

The complete transition memo can be accessed on AASA's website.


About AASA
AASA, The School Superintendents Association
, founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA’s mission is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education. For more information, visit www.aasa.org.