AASA Learning 2025: Demonstration Systems

AASA Learning 2025: Learner-Centered, Future-Driven Education
Forward to the Future
Learn, grow and take action with colleagues, plus gain access to strategic support tailored specifically to your district’s individual needs.

Collaborate with other future-driven educational leaders to drive action and change in public education.

Strategic Support:
  • Each demonstration system will be matched with an experienced, AASA-led mentor
  • 32 hours of personalized support for your area of emphasis
  • 16 additional hours of Learning 2025 focus-area support
National & Regional Collaboration
  • Monthly virtual professional learning opportunities
  • At least 3 site visit opportunities to Lighthouse Demonstration Systems
  • At least 2 in-person convenings
  • Complimentary registration to one AASA Cohort, plus substantial discounts on additional cohorts
  • Participation in up to 3 communities of practice
Substantial Opportunities
  • Communications support to help share your district's story both locally and nationally
  • Opportunities to be recognized as a Lighthouse System or System to Watch
  • Discounts on additional events, programs and services
  • An opportunity to affect change in your system and beyond, and, be part of the future of education

More than 120 systems are already working to change the future of education. Will you join us?


July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024


Member Price


Non-Member Price

Not a member? Join today.

Learn More and Apply Today


  • Morton Sherman

    Retired Superintendent

  • M. Ann Levett

    Assistant Executive Director, Leadership Network

    AASA, The School Superintendents Association

