2018 Winter Journal of Scholarship and Practice

The AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice is a refereed, blind-reviewed, quarterly journal with a focus on research and evidence-based practice. It is designed to benefit AASA members and full-time and adjunct professors.
The first article—the commentary—is written by Michael Shaffer, John Ellis, and Jeff Swensson and titled “Hoosier Lawmakers? Vouchers, ALEC Legislative Puppets, and Indiana’s Abdication of Democracy.” This article traces the philosophical roots and political interconnections, and sleight-of-hand that undergirds the intrusion of the American Legislative Exchange Council, vouchers and state governments. Despite multiple early promises, Indiana’s voucher program no longer emphasizes enrollment of lower income students, no longer strives for improved student achievement, and no longer reduces government and its costs.
The second article is research-based and is titled “Data-Driven Decisions: Using Equity Theory to Highlight Implications for Underserved Students” and is written by Denver Fowler and Kelly Brown. The authors describe how data is currently being used to solve the what and not the who as it relates to achievement gaps for marginalized students in urban settings.
The third article is titled “A Research Partnership Experience in Washington County, PA” and is written by Charles Vukotich and Grace Lani. Vukotich is a university researcher and Lani is a director of curriculum and instruction. The two educators describe the attributes of bringing together research designed both by and for institutions of higher education and public schools. Their article identifies what is necessary to bring the two institutions together. Their particular research partnership began over six years ago focusing on a study of how children spread influenza in schools. This study focused on developing policy and program guidance for schools on pandemic influenza; it could also have implications for seasonal flu.
The final article is a review by Christopher Tienken, former editor of the AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice, of a book titled Creativity and Education in China: Paradox and Possibilities for an Era of Accountability written by Carol Mullen.
Additional Articles
Hoosier Lawmaker? Vouchers, ALEC Legislative Puppets, and Indiana’s Abdication of Democracy
This descriptive analysis explores the policy-bubble created when state legislators eschewed their constitutional responsibility
Data-Driven Decisions: Using Equity Theory to Highlight Implications for Underserved Students
This article highlights how data are currently being used to solve the what and not the why as it relates to achievement gaps for marginalized students in urban settings.
A Research Partnership: Experience in Washington County PA
School administrators should be proactive in identifying research topics and establishing standards and expectations for the university researchers.