December 2021: School Administrator
Additional Articles
Coaching and Learning Embedded in District Culture
Principal supervision exemplifies the Long Beach way of effective on-the-job support
Making Instructional Coaching a Worthwhile Investment
Researchers with the American Institutes for Research lay out four strategies for shaping what happens between coaches and teachers
Harnessing the Power of Collective Inquiry
Superintendents collaborate in a network to share candidly their leadership challenges and tap into colleagues’ practical insights
Demographic Evolution
The changing faces of school communities over the past decade.
Collaboration or Shared Answers?
Our panel analyzes a teacher’s actions in adding a critical note about plagiarism to a student’s permanent file.
Avoiding Negativity in Moments of Stress
Staying classy in your social media use even when it’s tempting to blow off steam over frustrating, pandemic-related experiences.
Are They Really ‘Difficult’ Board Members?
Recognizing the common values between board members and superintendents despite personal differences.
Battling Initiative Fatigue
A six-part protocol for overcoming passive resistance and lethargy when it comes to ideas for instructional change.
How My Mentoring Is Making a Difference
A superintendent in California details her continuing experience individually mentoring students and expanding their college horizons.
Caring for All
Superintendent collaboration throughout the pandemic has been a great example of leaders modeling a culture of continuous improvement.
The ‘Secret Sauce’ in Our Pipeline Programs
Growing and acting together is facilitated for superintendents through the expanded professional learning cohorts run by AASA’s Leadership Network.
Sharon Adams-Taylor: A Persuasive Advocate for Children and Equity
For a generation, she’s made sure that AASA’s work has consciously addressed issues of gender and racial equity.
A Prolific Writer Connecting With Words
His prolific blogging on delicate subjects supports the leadership work of the superintendent in Tama, Iowa.
Editor's Note
A Springboard to Success
Since its inception in 2018, the AASA Leadership Network has used this springboard notion: Leaders learn best from each other. That foundational belief has led to the acceleration of professional
learning of superintendents in early-career stage and those aspiring to the chief roles.
The association’s cohort model, in an ever-expanding array of subjects and niches, tailors professional development programs to job-alike peers.
The distinctive process is the subject of our lead feature article this month, “Cohort Learning for School System Leaders,” by Amy Sichel, a lead superintendent in the Leadership Network.
It’s one of several
informative pieces on professional growth of school and district leaders with other contributors including William Harner, superintendent of a 5,000-student suburban district in Pennsylvania and Justin Daggett, who leads a small
Iowa district. And don’t overlook an article about embedding coaching and learning in district culture and another on the worthwhile investment of instructional coaching.
On a parting note, we call your attention to the Retirement
Tribute about Sharon Adams-Taylor, a staff colleague whose AASA history covers virtually the same three-decade period as mine. For all that time, she’s been a vocal force (literally) for our association’s strivings in all facets of
equity — and that includes her occasional pushes on the magazine editor to pay attention. I have and we’ve all benefitted.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator
Awards of Excellence