February 2021: School Administrator

Additional Articles
The Default to Assumptions and Answers: A Conversation with Liz Wiseman
Building work teams that foster significant contributions, even during challenging or ambiguous times.
Guerilla PD: Tactical Strikes to Address Teachers’ Learning Needs
A program of just-in-time training for teachers during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic.
A Digital Redesign on the Fly
A digital badging system to build virtual teaching skills among teachers.
‘Fitbit’ for Monitoring Student Voice
One district pursues a novel approach to teacher learning that they believe addresses the student engagement challenge with lasting impact.
Replicating Building Culture in Remote Mode
In any work environment, culture and climate drive everything and relationships matter.
Engagement Activity: By the Numbers
How often do superintendents connect with district parents?
A Disqualifying Act
What to do about a board candidate for a state superintendent association who is known to have committed domestic violence?
The Service Animal’s Assignment at School
The two questions to ask before granting access to the service dog.
Superintendent Blogging in a Pandemic and Beyond
An active 10-year blogger on using postings to connect meaningfully with his community.
Your Case for an Executive Coach
The rationale for bringing on board mentors for superintendents new to this work.
Expressing Common Values With Our Public
What the Divided Community Project has to say to educators about transforming division into positive action.
‘Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed’
Applicable lessons that one superintendent has picked up from his wood-working hobby.
Bringing the Community Into Our Schools
Citizens need up-close opportunities to know district programs and build relationships.
Internal Controls Without an Internal Auditor
How to monitor your school district’s finances sans a finance specialist.
Partnering With Community to Fight Teen Vaping
A suburban district needed community partners to deal with the rising use of e-cigarettes among its high school and middle school students.
Progress Over Perfection
As AASA president, I have had the opportunity to address gatherings that included business and industry leaders and education professionals from Arizona to China.
An Expanding Reach Misses a Personal Touch
Even with remote teaching’s lengthy past, there’s no genuine substitute for in-person learning.
Inside AASA: Meghan Moran on Membership Affairs
The new membership and marketing director on her ambitions for the association.
Acting to Right a Racial Wrong
AASA’s incoming president models what it means to tackle racial fairness.
Editor's Note
A Pivot to Virtual Expertise
To gain practical insights into what it takes to deliver remote education well, we turned to a couple of school leaders who’ve been at it since well before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic a year ago: Steve Kossakoski, chief executive officer of the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School in Exeter, N.H., and Chris Bigenho, director of the online academy in the Lewisville Independent School District in Texas.
Kossakoski, an assistant superintendent in the Exeter district before moving to the virtual school a dozen years ago, contributed an article that establishes the importance of relationships between students and teachers, the use of time and the need for consistent routines for virtual learning to succeed.
Bigenho, whose school serves about 3,000 students, discusses the norms for personalized learning and teachers’ roles in virtual schooling, drawing on his work in remote teaching and learning for 15 years.
Finally, you don’t want to overlook the fourth conversation in our ongoing Thought Leadership Series, this one between Liz Wiseman, author of Multipliers, and Suzette Lovely, a former superintendent in southern California.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator
Awards of Excellence
This month's Ethical Educator column was awarded Gold recognition by the Trade Association Business Publications International (TABPI)