August 2021: School Adminstrator

Additional Articles
Pandemic-Learned Measures for Engaging Families
In a quest for relevance, regional accrediting bodies move away from counting school library books to plotting paths for continuous growth
One District’s Path: Turnaround or Takeover
Five lessons shared by the superintendent who led the effort to resuscitate a failing system
Size of District Served
How large or small are most superintendents’ duties?
Salary Shortchange
After the school board increases a finance director’s salary to attract candidates, it asks the superintendent to reduce the offer once a finalist is named.
Can Districts Mandate Employee Vaccinations?
The lawful options a superintendent has for requiring staff be immunized for the coronavirus.
With Turnover Inevitable, Newcomer Support Is High Need
A school board leader’s ideas for navigating the dynamics when the superintendent works with an entirely new board.
#SeeingIsBelieving: What We Need Now
Using a hashtag to improve relationships and prioritize community with the school district.
Shedding My Moderation To Become Antiracist
Learning about and acting on white privilege as a superintendent in a hotbed of radical rhetoric in Montana.
Educators’ Duty To Break the Vaping-COVID Link
The pandemic overshadowed the escalating use of e-cigarettes by young people. Now it’s time to stem the dangerous risks.
When Doing Good Gets Out of Control
What could possibly be the downside of sharing unused cafeteria food with the needy in the community?
A Path to Equity Paved by Social-Emotional Learning
It’s not about fixing the student but rather fixing the school environment, says AASA’s lead superintendent for SEL training.
Aiming High in Hope
The debut column of AASA’s new president on looking toward a bright future in the post-pandemic.
Federal Support That Enables ‘Building Back Better’
Creating a new world for K-12 schooling with the infusion of new dollars.
‘Stubborn Courage’ in Leading
Advocating for equity across the district is the principal focus for the superintendent in Shelby County, Tenn.
Editor's Note
Our Answer Person on Money
When it comes to questions pertaining to school finance, our magazine staff — and my colleagues more widely at AASA — often turn first for answers to Marguerite Roza, one of the foremost
authorities on K-12 school spending, especially related to federal sources.
A researcher at Georgetown University, Roza has contributed thoughtful, explanatory writing to School Administrator readers several times over the years, and this
month she appropriately serves up the cover story titled “Wise Spending of Your Federal Relief Funds." Her piece, co-authored with the policy director of the Washington-based Edunomics Lab that she directs, offers straightforward thinking
about the awesome duty in the hands of school system leaders right now: How to most effectively spend the money allocated by the American Rescue Plan for K-12 education.
AASA called on her further this summer when Executive Director Dan
Domenech invited Roza to present to the first online gathering of the association’s American Rescue Plan Committee on the framework for spending the new federal dollars. The committee, consisting of two dozen superintendents and others in key
places, is continuing to provide our organization and its public policy staff with perspective from the ground level.
I hope you’ll find her article and a few others that follow it in this issue to be informative as you carry out
this unusual opportunity coming out of the year-long pandemic.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator