August 2024: School Administrator

August 2024 School Administrator cover "All Means All"
This issue tackles several important topics facing educators today, ranging from the two design principles for helping students living in poverty, expanding computer science offerings and delaying high school start times.


Additional Articles


Editor's Note
A Potpourri of Offerings

As a professional association magazine, School Administrator always welcomes editorial contributions from its members, as well as those in higher education, educational consulting and the education product/service industries.

The magazine’s three-person staff critiques each incoming submission for its relevancy to the world of school system leaders, its originality, clarity, writing quality and more. We’re selective in our reviewing. In one spring month this year, the magazine fielded nearly two dozen manuscripts for consideration.

A generation ago, School Administrator relied almost totally on these unsolicited manuscripts to fill our space. In recent decades, we’ve turned to seeking out and inviting leading experts and practitioners in school leadership to contribute on the particular themes selected for our editorial calendar a year ahead, making the competition pretty fierce.

Five of the feature-length articles this month were among those picked for use during the past year that didn’t align closely with a planned theme. That leaves us with quite a potpourri of relevant subjects that we hope you’ll find of interest.

As a parting note, I want to thank staff colleague Jimmy Minichello for his excellent video production work as the host and creator of our magazine’s monthly SA Extras videos that date back to 2016. Each three-minute SA Extras video featured a magazine article contributor whose work is prominent in that month’s issue. Jimmy departs this month after serving as AASA’s communications director for 11 years.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

Extras Video


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