June 2021: School Administrator

Self-Care and Wellness
How superintendents can take care of themselves, their staff and their students coming out of a far-reaching pandemic. Includes articles on daily affirmations for personal stress reduction, giving ourselves and our colleagues permission to feel and more.
Additional Articles
‘I Was Weary and Knew I Needed Something’
A superintendent in need details a partnership model with a local healthcare foundation and a personal coach for supporting the mental health and well-being of education leaders.
Reimagining Control Over One’s Boundaries
Consultant Lauren Hodges works with organizational leaders on sustainable behavior change.
When Schools Reopen
Drawing on discoveries over the pandemic year, what can school districts do better in supporting students?
Student Voices on Student Wellness
High school seniors share their perspectives on the role of schools in supporting students’ mental well-being
Northshore’s Attention to Mental Health
Normalizing the conversation around mental health and mental illness in a 24,000-student district in a suburb of Seattle, Wash..
The Critical Role of Arts in Education: A Conversation with Joy Harjo
Joy Harjo, U.S. poet laureate, discusses the essential role of arts and language in education, the importance of listening and the power of dedicated educators.
Modeling Inclusivity and Emotional Awareness Across Highline
Building a culture of emotional awareness and inclusivity to support students districtwide.
Community Concurrence
How leaders compare concerns from the minority community with those of parents in the majority.
Intercepted Communication
After inadvertently hearing a voice message from a search firm intended for a prized staffer, is it OK for the superintendent to broach the subject with her?
Cautionary Responses to Social Media Attacks
When you’re called an idiot or much worse, the best line of defense usually is to ignore, though a few other options do exist.
Cultivating Well-Informed Board Candidates
Building a deep bench for the inevitable vacancies that arise on a school board.
Educationally Speaking About Podcasts
Monthly installments allow us to dive deeply into important district issues in a budget-friendly way.
Compromising on Your Absolutes
What you think you’ll always do in a situation may not be what you are able to do as an education leader.
Just Call Me ‘Doctor’
According rightful respect for women professionals who’ve earned it.
A Pitch for Mental Health Days for Students
Sometimes students need a break from the ongoing pressures that come with academics and extracurriculars.
Nurturing a School District’s Wellness
AS WE FIND OURSELVES on the uncertain road to “normalcy,” one area that demands our ongoing attention is the social-emotional well-being of our students, staff and community.
Redoubling Attention to Staff and Student Needs
Mitigating the social and emotional implications of a yearlong pandemic.
A Connection to Students at Her Core
A National Superintendent of the Year finalist puts her student-centered decisions on display.
Editor's Note
Bookend Coverage
Awards of Excellence