June 2022: School Administrator

June 2022 School Administrator Cover
Leadership Styles & Diverse Talent Pipelines

This issue examines how school system leaders can make conscious choices to increase their effectiveness.


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Editor's Note

Model Thinking for Others

One of the most important ambitions we harbor as a professional magazine for school system chiefs is to showcase exemplary district-level leadership and promising practices. In the June issue, we turn to two highly respected superintendents – one to share his homegrown initiative on teaching personnel that is producing intended results and the second to deliver his thoughtful advice on managing through harsh moments.

Baron Davis’s work to significantly raise the number of male teachers of color in the Richland School District 2 in Columbia, S.C., qualifies as one such idea worth sharing. As the district’s first Black superintendent, Davis devised the Premier 100 initiative because of the impact on African-American children he could demonstrably see from the presence of African-American men of color in the classroom.

We also wanted to use this month’s issue to offer one final time some of the principled thinking on public school leadership of Stephen Joel before he bows to retirement this summer as superintendent in Lincoln, Neb. We asked Joel, who has spent 37 years as the chief leader of three school systems, to articulate a few time-tested coping mechanisms during this period of considerable tumult in K-12 education.

We hope our readers will benefit from the intellectual firepower these two sterling leaders generate in their jobs. I’d like your reactions to what they have to say.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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