November 2021: School Administrator


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Editor's Note

Birth of a Weighty Position

A new high-level occupational berth that is popping up across the educational landscape and in plenty of other sectors is that of the chief equity officer. This CEO position carries expectations and demands no less formidable than what organizational chief executives face. The chief equity officer’s job description is likely to read something like this, in part:

“Create and sustain a culture of equity and inclusion for all students by narrowing the gaps between the highest- and lowest-performing students and eliminating the racial disproportionality between student groups that occupy the highest- and lowest-achievement categories.”

As Merri Rosenberg, a veteran freelance education writer, describes this month in our lead feature “New to the Table,” the position, owing to its newness in K-12 education, enables the school district and the office holder to mold the role to meet the particular needs of its schools and community. Most chief equity officers (whose titles vary) report directly to the superintendent.

Many of the first appointments in school districts have been made within the past two years. A few, notably the position in Jefferson County, Ky., extend much further back in time.

Complementing Rosenberg’s piece are sidebars by Mary Rice-Boothe of the New York City Leadership Academy, and Dena Keeling, the equity officer in Orange County, N.C.

With equity goals high on every organization’s agenda, the equity officer’s progress will be worth watching, and we expect to continue our attention.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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