October 2020: School Administrator


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Thoughtful Conversations With Prominent Authors

In this month's issue, we launch School Administrator’s Thought Leadership Series, consisting of focused, hour-long conversations between prominent book authors in the organizational leadership field and superintendents, both active and retired.

Leading off is Daniel Pink, bestselling author most recently of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, a work with sure relevancy to the school leadership realm. During an interview conducted by Jill Siler, superintendent in Gunter, Texas, Pink shares his thinking on the essential nature of timing in our words and deeds, notably in the midst of a disabling public health crisis.

We hope to extend the Thought Leadership Series through the 2020-21 academic year. The next scheduled author conversations involve Dan Heath, interviewed by Joe Sanfelippo, superintendent in Fall Creek, Wis., and John Kotter, interviewed by Larry Nyland, retired superintendent of the Seattle Public Schools. (We’d welcome future participation by others, especially if you have in mind a book author whose ideas resonate in educational leadership.)

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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