October 2021: School Administrator


Additional Articles


Editor's Note

Delivering Surprises

One important quality of a periodical worth reading regularly is that it delivers content that occasionally catches readers by surprise, serving up fare that comes across as unexpected, entertaining or maybe a little quirky. We’ve always aspired to meet that standard.

A few such examples in our October issue:

  • Political party affiliations of superintendents shifting over time (State of the Superintendency infographic);
  • Launch of a new social media tool that allows educators in various communities to learn from each other’s experiences in real-time discussions (Social Media column); and
  • A short tale (with photo) of a big-city superintendent who finds value playing in a women’s ice hockey league (Sidelight).

Suggestions from our readers play a big part in our capacity to capture and deliver these distinctive offerings in our pages so we encourage everyone in our audience to freely pass along ideas and story tips. They can be sent to magazine@aasa.org. We’re always appreciative.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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