Summer 2017 Journal of Scholarship and Practice

Commentary: "Collective Impact: What Does it Mean for Educational Leaders?"
Research Article: "Using Whole School Cluster Grouping to Differentiate Instruction More Effectively in Elementary Schools: A Guide for Administrators and Teachers"
Book Review: "Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis"
Additional Articles
Collective Impact: What Does It Mean for Educational Leaders?
Due to local, state, and national accountability measures, school reform efforts have become critical of many legislative agendas.
Using Whole School Cluster Grouping to Differentiate Instruction More Effectively in Elementary Schools: A Guide for Administrators and Teachers
Given the wide range of ability (academic, linguistic and cultural) in classrooms differentiated instruction is often difficult to manage
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis
Some authors are good at telling stories. Some provide solid content adding to the knowledge base.
Additional Resources
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- Read the latest issue of School Administrator magazine
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