The Next Education Workforce

How Team-Based Staffing Models Can Support Equity and Improve Learning Outcomes
Published November 2022
As a field, education has focused on changing teachers’ instructional knowledge and skills and the content that students learn. Yet, our education system is not reliably delivering quality learning experiences and outcomes for nearly enough people and communities. In The Next Education Workforce: How Team-Based Staffing Models Can Support Equity and Improve Learning Outcomes, Carole G. Basile, Brent W. Maddin, and R. Lennon Audrain argue that we need to redesign how schools organize educators and learners. The authors highlight how the normative one-teacher, one-classroom model underserves both learners and educators. They then make the case that, to achieve more equitable learning outcomes for students and better working conditions for teachers, schools should create teams of educators with distributed expertise that can deliver deeper and more personalized learning experiences for students.
This book then addresses practical steps for school and system leaders to take by outlining core elements of Next Education Workforce models, including new ways for educators to specialize and advance in the profession; offering concrete actions to help leaders navigate and facilitate sustainable systems change; and offering a provocative prescription of how teacher preparation, professional learning, and human resource systems will need to change to support team-based models.
Carole G. Basile is dean of the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.
Brent W. Maddin is executive director of the Next Education Workforce initiative in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.
R. Lennon Audrain is a PhD student in educational policy and evaluation in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.
Foreword by David Berliner
Section 1: Normal
Chapter 1. Normal
Section 2: Elements of the Next Education Workforce
Chapter 2. Teams of Educators and Distributed Expertise
Chapter 3. Delivering Deeper and Personalized Learning with Teams and Technology
Chapter 4. Entry, Specialization, and Advancement in the Next Education Workforce
Chapter 5. Approaching Equity in the Next Education Workforce
Chapter 6. The Next Education Workforce in Three School Models: Trogon Elementary, Quail High School, Redstart K-8
Section 3: Conditions to Launch and Sustain the Next Education Workforce
Chapter 7. School Leadership and Readiness for Change
Chapter 8. Transforming Teacher Preparation and Professional Learning for Teams
Chapter 9. Human Resource Systems to Support Team-Based Models
Chapter 10. Optimism and Systems Change
About the Authors