AASA Joins Education Groups in Letter Supporting COPPA 2.0
December 13, 2024
AASA, through the Federal Education Privacy Coalition is co-chairs, joined 11 other national organizations in a letter expressing support for passing COPPA 2.0 before year’s end.
AASA has been engaged in policy efforts for both COPPA 2.0 and the Kids Online Safety Act for going on two years. You’ll recall that the Senate has passed a joint version of the two bills (called KOSPA) in July; that bill has struggled to get traction on the House side. Efforts are still underway to move that bill; read our previous blog for the one small change we need to be able to endorse the joint bill.
Absent ability to move the joint bill with the necessary changes, we do support COPPA 2.0 as currently drafted, and would be happy to see Congress move on the portion of the bill that has bipartisan and bicameral support.