A Descriptive Analysis of High Need Districts’ Inequitable Access to Talent-centered education HR Systems

Type: Article
Topics: District & School Operations, Journal of Scholarship and Practice, Staffing, HR & Talent Development

September 01, 2021

This study draws from the SHRM and TCEL literature to apply an HR systems typology to categorize school districts based on their personnel policies. The researchers descriptively examine whether types of HR systems are related to district demographics and outcomes. Sources for analysis included a comprehensive review of sample district’s websites, personnel handbooks, board policies, and conversations with HR directors/management.

The study found partial support for the theories of SHRM and TCEL. Districts with Strategic Developmental HRM systems experienced higher student achievement, lower student-to-teacher ratios, higher teacher retention, and fewer teacher vacancies than districts with all other HRM typologies. These districts were less likely to be high-needs districts.


Henry Tran, PhD
Associate Professor
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC

David G. Buckman, PhD
Associate Professor
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, GA



