A Wake-up Call for Sportsmanship in Scholastic Sports

Type: Article
Topics: District & School Operations, School Administrator Magazine

August 01, 2022

My View

From time to time, everyone needs a wake-up call to get back on course, to regain focus and to get with the program. That time is at hand in high school sports as it relates to unsportsmanlike conduct.

In the 103-year history of the National Federation of State High School Associations and organized sports in the United States, good sportsmanship has been one of the most important outcomes of these programs. When appropriate behavior occurs, competitive play is more enjoyable for everyone.

An increasing presence of offensive behavior and inappropriate language during high school athletics have made them unpleasureable settings. In the past few months, we’ve witnessed unfortunate incidents at schools nationwide:

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Karissa Niehoff

Chief executive officer

National Federation of State High School Associations in Indianapolis, Ind.



