Associations Between Principals of Color and Recruiting Teachers of Color In New Jersey Schools

Type: Article
Topics: Equity, Journal of Scholarship and Practice

November 01, 2020

To achieve equity, there is a need to recognize that both White educators and educators of color can add values and perspectives to the conversation (Singleton & Linton, 2006). Despite of a large number of studies on social justice, there is a scarcity of studies on how principals of color enact social justice leadership and what are the possible associations between principals of color and the recruitment of the teachers of color in order to promote social justice. Using the mixed research method—sequential exploratory design, this study suggests that school districts consider hiring more administrators of color to create a culture within their school district where students of color feel more of a sense of belonging and empowerment.


Anna Q. Sun, PhD
Assistant Professor
Rowan University
Glassboro, NJ

Randy R. Miller, MPA
Doctoral Student
Rutgers University
Camden, NJ



