Back-to-School: Resources and Inspiration
August 09, 2024
To support you in kicking off a fantastic school year, AASA has curated a collection of resources and inspiration to set you on the path to success! This page is packed with practical guides, innovative ideas and learning opportunities to help you navigate the busy season ahead.
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year from superintendents Martha Salazar-Zamora (Texas) and Nick Polyak (Ill.)!
Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011-2021
Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011-2021 provides surveillance data from 2021, as well as 10-year trends from 2011 through 2021, on behaviors and experiences among high school students in the United States related
to health and well-being.
Grieving Students and Transitions | The Coalition to Support Grieving Students
In all of the bustle of the year’s start, one group that can easily be overlooked is students who are grieving the loss of a parent, sibling, or other close family member or friend. Most education professionals would expect children with a recent loss to face some challenges in their academic focus. However, the ongoing experience of grief is often less recognized. This resource provides tips and guidelines on how educators can support grieving students entering the new year.
School Preparedness | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Schools’ core role is to educate students. However, they also meet the needs of students and families by providing meals, childcare, and physical and mental health services. When schools plan for emergencies, they can decrease the impact a short- or long-duration emergency will have on operations.
Learn what K-12 schools need to know
Vaccination Information and Resources
To address the issue of declining student vaccination rates resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, these resources provide support educational leaders in understanding and providing direction about how schools and districts can address the problem of vaccination declines among students.
Getting Kindergarten Vaccination Back on Track
Addressing the Decline of Vaccination Rates of U.S. Students
Boost Mental Health and SEL
Take your district's support to the next level. Kick off your learning with AASA's programs and events focused on mental health and social emotional learning.
SEL Cohort | August 28, 2024 - May 28, 2025
Mental Health Cohort | September 9, 2024 - May 12, 2025
Mental Health and SEL Summit | October 22 - 24, 2024 in Pittsburgh, Pa.
American Rescue Plan ESSER Funds
This blog post provides four questions to ask yourself while deciding how to spend any remaining ESSER funds and also recommends five types of investments to consider
In a multi-series survey, AASA gathered responses from district leaders about how they're using American Rescue Plan (ARP) and other federal COVID-19 relief funding to address pandemic-related student learning recovery, challenges they're facing, and ongoing needs after funding runs out. In AASA’s final survey from July 2024 district leaders were asked to look back and comprehensively share how they prioritized investing these funds over the past three years.
Public Interest Privacy Center (PIPC)
The Public Interest Privacy Center equips stakeholders with the insights, training, and tools needed to cultivate effective, ethical, and equitable privacy safeguards for all children and students.
Title IX
The Superintendent's Guide to the 2024 Title IX Rules (AASA member login required)
April 19, the U.S. The U.S. Department of Education released revisions to Title IX. The amended Title IX regulations, which will be effective on August 1, 2024, make several important changes to the processes K-12 schools use to address reports
of sex-based discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, and to protections for LGBTQ+ students, employees, and parents. Use this guide to help your team prepare to comply with the new requirements and to prevent and address sex
discrimination and harassment.
2024 National Summit on K-12 School Safety and Security
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will host the 2024 National Summit on K-12 School Safety and Security on September 25 and 26. This two-day, virtual event brings together K-12 school leaders and practitioners to discuss and share actionable recommendations that enhance safe and supportive learning environments.
AASA School Safety and Crisis Planning Toolkit
The intent and design of this toolkit is to provide a checklist of necessary procedures before, during and after a crisis that is easily accessible by school leaders and designed specifically for school superintendents. Topics covered include physical safety, mental health and cybersecurity.
Back-to-School Checklist
Back-to-school season can be a time for K-12 school leaders and personnel to take stock of the policies, practices, and plans that can help create safe and supportive learning environments. While this checklist from is not comprehensive and each school has unique safety considerations, these actions may help K-12 communities in their preparations for a safe school year.
This episode of the Future-Driven Leader Podcast discusses the importance of developing robust cybersecurity plans, obtaining stakeholder buy-in, and the evolving role of AI in protecting school systems.
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies
Information from the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies, a division of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, on building and enhancing cybersecurity programming within your school and district.
In this article, Supt. Matthew Montgomery outlines five strategies for superintendents to build strong relationships with school boards. He emphasizes the importance of personal connections, consistent and respectful communication, and establishing a shared vision to align goals. Montgomery also advises leaning on leadership teams for support and embracing tension as a catalyst for growth. By following these strategies, superintendents can foster trust and navigate challenges effectively within their districts.
"The ‘Care and Feeding’ of School Boards" by Rick Maloney and Bob Hughes
(AASA member login required)
Nearing his retirement, a long-time, highly successful superintendent with whom one of us worked as a school board member explained how he was able to survive for so long in an often-fragile and risky political setting. He shared nine survival tips for new superintendents, which we’ve fleshed out here as school governance consultants. Each suggests what a new superintendent might tell the board, followed parenthetically by a more candid superintendent-to-superintendent translation.
"Energizing the Disengaged Board Member" by Peg Portscheller
What happens if and when a board member appears to disengage? The disengagement may show up in one of many forms. The board member may begin missing meetings. The board member may show up for meetings but is not prepared to deal with the matters at hand. The board member may attend meetings and events but not actively participate in the current matters.
"Social Media Guidance for Your Board" by Bob Butler
Many school board members exercise their First Amendment rights by being active users of social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. Used well and with appropriate guidelines, social media can be a positive tool for engaging the community with the school district.
Interested in Board relations support?
AASA's National Superintendent Certification Program® explores understanding and developing effective board-superintendent relations, Including legal matters.
This program, designed by superintendents for superintendents, provides a real-time focus on key issues!
"From Compliance to Engagement: Richmond Public Schools' Journey to Reducing Absenteeism" by Jason Kamras
"Discover how Richmond Public Schools transformed their approach to attendance by focusing on engagement and relationship-building, leading to a significant reduction in chronic absenteeism and offering valuable insights for superintendents and school leaders."
"From Crisis to Connection: Tackling Chronic Absenteeism with Data-Driven Solutions and Community Support" by Heidi Sipe
"Chronic absenteeism – it’s a phrase that has become all too familiar to educators. Beyond the statistics, it represents a missed opportunity for countless students. As superintendents, we’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact it can have on a child’s academic journey and overall well-being."
Superintendent Research Briefing: District-Wide Strategies for Reducing Chronic Absenteeism
AASA and EAB hosted a superintendent research briefing webinar designed to help senior district leaders get smart quickly on the issue of chronic absenteeism and give them actionable strategies so they can get started addressing it.
Chronic Absenteeism feat. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez
The first step is to declare chronic absenteeism as the crisis that it is, says Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, superintendent of Hartford Public Schools in Hartford, Conn. She saw spikes in absenteeism at particular grade levels — kindergarten and 9th, for example — that called for a holistic approach.
Webinar Recording
How Can Districts Respond to Chronic Absenteeism? A New Tool to Guide Understanding and Action
Chronic absenteeism has soared post-pandemic, straining even prepared districts. To support schools, the GRAD Partnership created a tool to help teams understand and address chronic absenteeism locally. This webinar introduces this free resource for superintendents and school leaders. Participants can share experiences and learn together as they prepare for the new school year.
Look Forward to the Future and Save!
Public school leaders are gathering in New Orleans March 6 - 8, 2025 for AASA's National Conference on Education.
This year’s NCE involves anticipating future trends, challenges and opportunities in education and proactively shaping strategies and initiatives to address them, for staff and students alike. Bring your team along, register early and save by October 31!