Battling Initiative Fatigue
December 01, 2021
Our View
New initiatives are part of the school year for every educator. So, inevitably, is initiative fatigue. During the pandemic, that fatigue has compounded to unimaginable levels.
Initiative fatigue is a simple concept. When multiple changes are
rolled out simultaneously or in rapid succession in K-12 education, there is little time and brainpower to properly process and put them in place.
Both of us have worked with teachers who’ve been tasked with implementing new science
standards, piloting a new math program and using a new data warehouse to track progress of every student all in the same year. The rapid churn of well-intended initiatives has led to confusion about goals and expectations. The pace of change precluded
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About the Authors
Kyle Arlington is superintendent of the Kenilworth School District in Kenilworth, N.J.
Michael Ryan is an assistant professor of early and middle grades education at West Chester University in West Chester, Pa.