Building Strong Board Relations: 5 Key Strategies for Superintendents

Type: Article
Topics: Board Relations

September 04, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of public education, the relationship between superintendents and school boards can significantly impact a district's success. I have the privilege of working with two  boards for the two school districts I serve in Lake Forest, Illinois.

It will come as no surprise that in recent years, both districts have dealt with their fair share of controversy, conflict, and crisis. In those situations, our boards have benefitted from the proactive  cultivation of norms and culture as a collective foundation for navigating the path forward for staff, students, and our community.

As superintendent, I have found that these five key strategies provide an effective blueprint for working with our boards to foster the understanding and trust needed to function at our best.

1. Invest in Personal Relationships

A foundation of trust begins with knowing, valuing, and understanding each board member on a personal level. This relationship-building is crucial to effectively navigating challenges.

2. Communicate Consistently and Respectfully

Transparent and regular communication ensures everyone is informed and aligned, reducing the potential for misunderstandings. Our boards receive weekly department updates, have quarterly  one-on-one meetings with me, and hold annual retreats in addition to community coffees, as well as monthly public meetings.

3. Establish a Shared Vision

Disagreements are inevitable, but a unified mission helps keep the board focused on long-term goals. Our boards were intricately involved in the design and structure of our five-year strategic  plans and metrics for success. They have also identified annual board goals focusing on specific, measurable outcomes in the strategic plan.

4. Lean on Your Team

Your internal leadership team should be aligned with board objectives, ensuring a cohesive approach to district initiatives. The only way we can achieve our goals is by encouraging our district  teams to execute their roles with excellence through distributive leadership and utilization of their earned expertise.

5. Get Comfortable with Tension

Conflict should be expected and welcomed in a respectful forum. When managed well, it can lead to growth, innovation, and stronger board relations.  These strategies are essential for any superintendent aiming to cultivate a productive and resilient relationship with their board. By focusing on personal connections, clear communication, and  shared goals, superintendents can navigate the complexities of board relations and the unknowns of the future with confidence and results.

Additional Resources

This resource was published as part of AASA's 2024-25 Back-to-School series. See more back-to-school resources here.



