Conversing About Race and Equity

Type: Infographic
Topics: Access & Opportunity, School Administrator Magazine

October 01, 2020

State of the Superintendency
Leading Equity Conversations

The 2020 AASA state of the superintendency study asked those in the field how well prepared they believed they were to lead public conversations about race and equity and who typically led those conversations in the school district.

Of the superintendents of color who responded, 50 percent reported they were very well prepared to lead conversations about race, and about 40 percent of superintendents who identified as Hispanic/Latinx reported being very well prepared. However, only about 20 percent of White superintendents reported being very well prepared, and an equal percentage said they felt not at all prepared to lead such conversations.


The American Superintendent: 2020 Decennial Study,” editor Christopher H. Tienken.



