Does Collective Bargaining Influence the Pay Satisfaction of Elementary School Teachers?
Journal of Scholarship and Practice
March 01, 2016
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of collective bargaining on teacher pay
satisfaction and offer knowledge of the factors contributing to the pay satisfaction of public elementary
school teachers. The study focuses on how human capital, occupational characteristics, and job related
characteristics impact the pay satisfaction of teachers. The results of our regression analysis suggest
that teachers represented by a labor union have higher levels of pay satisfaction than teachers who are
not (b=.32, p=.02, p < 0.05). This study’s unique contribution is that we focus not only on the public
K-12 school industry, but also we examine the relationship between the presence of collective
bargaining and teacher pay satisfaction in school districts across two states.
David G. Buckman, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Leadership, Language, & Curriculum
DePaul University
Chicago, IL
Henry Tran, MPA, SHRMP-CP, PHR, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership & Policies
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
I. Phillip Young, EdD
Professor and Chair
Department of Educational Leadership & Policies
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC