Empowering Students Through Storytelling
February 01, 2025
The mere mention of social media can strike fear in the hearts of school administrators, but what if I said you could increase student voice, reduce workload and help share more authentic stories about your school district without giving up control?
Getting students involved in sharing stories on your school district’s social media brand is vital because they have a unique point of view that engages their peers, families and the broader community in meaningful conversations.
Students use their training in digital citizenship and marketing basics. In the Pecos-Barstow-Toyah Independent School District in Pecos, Texas, student leaders are selected for social media sharing through a competitive application process based on their interests and activities. Nydia Natividad, director of media and communications, encourages her student content creators to “capture what’s happening in the moment from their point of view to highlight not only their activity but also the school district.”
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