Feedback for Teachers: What Evidence Do Teachers Find Most Useful?
December 01, 2022
The purpose of this exploratory, descriptive study was to investigate teachers’ perceptions of three types of feedback on students’ performance to guide instructional improvements.
These include:
- formative assessment error analyses,
- mastery charts of class progress on formative assessments, and
- summative assessment results comparisons with previously taught classes.
Self-report survey
data from 92, K-12 teachers involved in a pilot mastery learning program revealed that analyses of
students’ errors on formative assessments were consistently rated the most useful in planning
corrective instruction and in making instructional improvements.
Mastery charts and summative
assessment results were considered more useful in evaluating the overall effectiveness of mastery
learning and in revising implementation procedures. Implications for professional learning and
program implementation are discussed.
Thomas R. Guskey, PhD
Professor Emeritus
College of Education
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Laura J. Link, EdD
Associate Dean
Teaching and Leadership
College of Education and Human Development
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks,