It's Just Lunch ... Or Is It?
December 01, 2020
A superintendent's path to a positive and collaborative union-district relationship starts over a meal.

An exchange opened this way between Robin Twidwell, regional UniServe director for the Illinois Education Association, and me, who was superintendent at the time of a small, rural school district in central Illinois.
Jeffrey: Is
there any way we can meet for lunch?
Robin: I am not sure, Dr. Alstadt. What would you like to discuss?
Jeffrey: It’s just lunch.
Robin: What do you mean?
Jeffrey: I
would like to have lunch. No plan. I think we need to sit and have lunch.
Robin: I think that might be an excellent idea.
As it turned out, not only was lunch an excellent idea, but Robin’s willingness to
have lunch would lay the groundwork for months of collaboration and problem solving amid tough times for communities and school districts. Robin serves as union director for multiple and diverse school districts in the region.
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