Length of the School Day and Its Influence on New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment Scores
Curriculum & Assessment,
Journal of Scholarship and Practice
June 01, 2016
This paper presents results from an examination of the relationships between high school (HS) school
day length and 2011 New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) Math and Language
Arts Literacy test results. Variables found to have an influence on standardized test scores in the extant
literature were evaluated and reported. Hierarchical regression models were used to determine the
strength of the predictive influence of these variables, specifically school day length, on both HS Math
and Language Arts Literacy student performance. Results indicated that school day length does not
have a significant influence on HS LAL achievement, but accounts for 1.8% of the variance in HS Math
achievement scores. Implications for practicing administrators are discussed.
Phyllis deAngelis, EdD Business Teacher New Brunswick Public Schools New Brunswick, NJ