Making the Most of Your ESSER Funds: Halftime Reflections & Revisions

Type: Webinar Recording
Topics: American Rescue Plan, District & School Operations, Finance & Budgets

November 29, 2022

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ESSER funds reflectionsAs we pass the halfway point of the ESSER timeline, district leaders are tasked with spending down their remaining funds strategically while simultaneously preparing for the approach of a potentially steep cliff once ESSER funds run out.

This is the moment for system leaders to understand the progress of their ESSER spend to date and assess performance across indicators for their “big bet” initiatives. Those understandings will then inform any decisions to reallocate remaining funds now and to establish system conditions for making future trade-off decisions on what to sustain, particularly for those systems facing declining enrollment.

Webinar participants will hear from two district leaders about how they (and other systems around the country) are engaging in halftime reviews with an immediate focus on identifying key moves to make through the SY23-24 budget cycle to optimize the ESSER opportunity.

This webinar is part of the AASA Learning Recovery & Redesign project.

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Emily Parfit, Education Resource Strategies, Director (facilitator)
Katie Sunseri, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, executive director of State and Federal Programs
Scott Thompson, assistant superintendent, Business & Support Services, Mesa Public Schools



