Mapping the Route to Better Professional Learning
May 01, 2022
During a recent workshop, a superintendent from upstate New York described how his school district had identified student writing as an area for improvement. “We’re providing literacy coaching, expert-led workshops and grade-level professional
learning communities,” he said, “but we have no idea which activities, if any, are making a difference.”
Fellow education leaders in the room shared similar experiences.
To address this common need, our team
at the REL Northeast & Islands published a free toolkit, Evaluating Professional Learning. Based on our work with district- and state-level teams in New York and Connecticut, the toolkit can help educators collect meaningful data to ensure professional
learning for teachers has a high return on investment.
Four strategies in the toolkit are adaptable anywhere.
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About the Authors
Nicole Breslow is co-leader of the Professional Learning and Development Research Alliance at the REL Northeast & Islands at Education Development Center in Waltham, Mass.
Georgia Bock is a researcher at REL Northeast & Islands.