Navigating School Event Safety: Best Practices in Developing and Implementing After School and Extracurricular Security Plans

Type: Webinar Recording
Topics: Health & Wellness, School Safety & Cybersecurity

March 25, 2024

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Does your school currently have an after-school event security plan in place, or are you thinking about implementing one?  

During our discussion with our subject matter experts, Chris Arbeitman and Dr. Matthias Wicks, Chief of Police at Tulsa Public Schools, you’ll learn: 

  • Comprehensive Security Planning: Learn how to guide your school in establishing and developing a robust security plan.  
  • Unpacking Security Layers: Explore the intricacies of security layers, with a special focus on crucial elements like weapons detection.  
  • Integration of Technology: Gain insights into enhancing success through the seamless integration of technology and a well-conceived plan that considers diverse factors.  
  • Practical Examples: Delve into practical examples, including the implementation of clear bags and attendance rules. 
This webinar is designed to equip you with the knowledge to effectively communicate and implement these new processes and technologies within your educational community.




