Relocated But Not Out of Mind

Type: Article
Topics: Ethics, School Administrator Magazine

March 01, 2024

An illustration of a man with briefcase walking away from a cellphone that is ringingEthical Educator

Scenario: A school finance assistant recently left his job to accept a better opportunity as business director in a school district across the state. His former boss insisted he leave her a personal cellphone number in case questions came up for the person taking on the responsibilities, which is likely, given the replacement’s inexperience. But the relocated employee is not sure he is obliged to answer questions once surrendering his ID and laptop, and he does not necessarily want the headache of explaining something at his former place of employment. How ought he respond to the request for his phone contact and for the likely need for his help?

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The Ethical Educator panel consists of 

  • Sheldon H. Berman, author of Implementing Social-Emotional Learning: Insights from School Districts’ Successes and Setbacks.
  • Roark Horn, the Pomerantz endowed professor in educational excellence, University of Northern Iowa;
  • Baron Davis, CEO and founder, The Neogenesis Group; and 
  • Maria G. Ott, Irving R. and Virginia A. Melbo chair in education administration, University of Southern California.

Each month, School Administrator draws on actual circumstances to raise an ethical decision-making dilemma in K-12 education. Our distinguished panelists provide their own resolutions to each dilemma.

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