Sidelight: Joseph S. Famularo
September 01, 2024
Walk into Bellmore Public Schools on Long Island, and you might see the 4th-grade ukulele club members perfecting their chords, the 5th- and 6th-grade performing arts group in rehearsal or superintendent Joseph S. Famularo, who launched those programs in collaboration with Bellmore music teachers, singing “Apples and Bananas” in the cafeteria. “Music uplifts everyone,” he says. Raised in a musical family, he learned to play guitar at age 8 and never put it down. Today, the 17-year AASA member pens his own songs to celebrate those he loves and shares them on YouTube. He also leads a band with district colleagues called The Belltones, which performs at community events. An important motivator behind his musical pursuits: “to inspire others to … express themselves with whatever skills or talents we all have.”