STOP School Violence Act 101

Type: Powerpoint Presentation
Topics: Advocacy & Policy, School Safety & Cybersecurity

April 29, 2019

Appears in

Stop School Violence Act 101 PowerPoint title slideAfter the tragedy at Parkland, Congress acted quickly to create a new funding stream to support state and local efforts to deter school violence.

The passage of the STOP School Violence Act authorizes $100 million in funding for schools to improve school safety in 2019.

AASA and Sandy Hook Promise explain this grant opportunity for districts, how to apply for the funding and how the dollars can further school safety efforts and mental health programs in your district.

Hear from Philip Downs, superintendent, Southwest Allen County Schools, Ind., who received this grant last year, as he shares what his district is doing with the funding to enhance mental health and trauma-informed practices in the district.


Katrina Velasquez, Esq., MA, managing principal, Center Road Solutions
Terri L. Bennett, director federal grants, Sandy Hook Promise
Philip Downs, superintendent, Southwest Allen County Schools, Ind.



