PreK-12 Is the New Reality: How Do We Make It Work?
July 05, 2023
Preschool attendance is now the norm, and preschool is increasingly built into K-12 school systems. In many respects, as kindergarten has become the new first grade, preschool is becoming the new kindergarten.
In this article, we draw on our four-year study of school district efforts to create more seamless pathways from preschool to elementary school. We offer a framework based on this and others’ research for considering strategies to ensure the long-term benefits of investment in preschool and to improve student learning in the early grades.
There are good reasons for the expansion of preschool. High-quality preschool can help K-12 districts and schools be more effective overall and reduce the achievement gap which is typically substantial before children enter kindergarten (Reardon, 2013).
Deborah Stipek, PhD
Emeritus Professor
Graduate School of Education
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Cynthia Coburn, PhD
Professor School of Education and Social Policy
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL