The Impact of Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) on Suspensions by Race and Ethnicity in an Urban School District

Type: Article
Topics: Access & Opportunity, Journal of Scholarship and Practice

November 01, 2020

Recent federal data shows disparities among school discipline by race. This has been a long running concern in many arenas. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) provides a positive aspirational approach to student discipline instead of taking a more penal-based approach. This paper reviews the implementation of PBIS and queries the impact on middle school and high school suspensions in a midsized Midwest urban school district in Muncie, Indiana.

The implementation had a significant impact on reducing inappropriate student behavior as measured by suspensions. Although a significant racial disparity continued between black, multiracial, and white students, the disparity was decreased. The secondary schools involved in the implementation saw a reduction in student suspensions which did lead to increased student achievement and better student attendance.


Steven M. Baule, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Superior
Superior, WI



