The Impact of Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) on Suspensions by Race and Ethnicity in an Urban School District
November 01, 2020
Recent federal data shows disparities among school discipline by race. This has been a long running concern in many arenas. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) provides a positive aspirational approach to student discipline instead of taking a more penal-based approach. This paper reviews the implementation of PBIS and queries the impact on middle school and high school suspensions in a midsized Midwest urban school district in Muncie, Indiana.
The implementation had a significant impact on reducing inappropriate student behavior as measured by suspensions. Although a significant racial disparity continued between black, multiracial, and white students, the disparity was decreased. The secondary schools involved in the implementation saw a reduction in student suspensions which did lead to increased student achievement and better student attendance.
Steven M. Baule, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Superior
Superior, WI