Transitioning from a Traditional Educational Model to a Competency Based Educational Model: Lessons Learned from Administrators
December 01, 2022
This study examined why schools and districts transitioned from traditional education systems to competency-based, the challenges and benefits school experienced, and characteristics needed in a leader for the shift in education.
The study used a quantitative approach informed by survey and correlational research. The participants in this study included 39 K-12 administrators from across the United States.
Based on the results of this study, superintendents should transition their districts and schools from traditional based education to CBE for three reasons.
First and foremost, we are struggling to meet the needs of our students. Second, student achievement is low in our schools. Finally, we must prepare our students for their future, not the future we prepared for when we were students.
Kraig Steinhoff, EdD
Huron School District
Huron, SD
Susan Curtin, EdD
Associate Professor
Division of Educational Leadership
School of Education
University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD
David De Jong, EdD
Assistant Professor
Division of Educational Leadership
School of Education
University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD
Steven Chesnut, PhDAssistant Professor
Human Development and Educational Psychology
School of Education
University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD